Wednesday 27 May 2020

Sleep Music - Sleeping With Music

Here is an article from Sleep Expert Paul Geracy, weighing up the pros and cons about sleeping with music.
Fact: Within five minutes of waking up, 50% of your dreams will be forgotten! Good job too!
Enjoy :)
Insomnia is a common sleeping disorder, and is a concern for many people worldwide. Lack of proper sleep affects the waking hours of a patient, tiredness saps out necessary energy essential for everyday routine life. There are many causes that lead to insomnia that can include medical conditions or even lifestyle choices. However, there are several treatment options that can help solve your sleeping problems.

Although people suffering from insomnia try all sleeping aids ranging from medication to electronic sleeping aids, they tend to overlook one potential solution i.e. music. Music can be a plausible solution for sleep disorders; it can help relax both the body and mind to instigate sleep easily at the end of the day. After all, music is said to be the medicine of the mind.
There are many musical artists who create soothing music solely to help people calm down and relax, resulting in sleep. Although you would not come across these songs on radio stations or on the television, you can find this special type of sleep music at a music store near you. You can go for either instrumental music or music of nature, depending on which suits you the best.

Soothing instrumental melodies are a popular choice to treat sleeping disorders. They help calm the mind and are gentle to your ears at the same time. Due to lack of words in instrumental music, you are more drawn to the music and can allow your mind to relax, surrendering to the notes. Instrumental music often make use of instruments that produce gentle sounds like pianos, violins, flutes, clarinets etc. These instruments produce soothing sounds and you need not focus on one aspect as the melodies from every instrument blends with the rest to produce a comforting musical treat for your ears. Music can help lose tension and stress, resulting in peaceful and deep sleep.
Some people prefer sounds of nature to instrumental music. Sounds of nature like rustling leaves, sounds of rain falling, animal songs etc can help release a primal instinct in humans that can lead to sleep. The reason to this is said to be the fact that before civilization, humans only had the sounds of nature to lull them to sleep, and even now, these sounds of nature can help create peace of mind leading to sleep.

So if you are suffering from lack of sleep, you can try and use sleep music to get relief from your problem. Here below are a few ideas that can help you get started:
  • Classical tapes/CD's work well for peaceful sleep, you can try Mozart's "Baroque Music" or Brahms's "Lullaby". There are many relaxing classical music compositions to choose from.
  • Tribal music tapes/CD's provide organic sounds and makes use of several non-electronic instruments.
  • Ambient Electronica tapes/CD's are also a good choice. They contain soothing melodies and offer gentle sound effects. Some examples are The Orb, Aphex Twin etc.
  • You can also purchase CD's/tapes that feature soothing nature sounds like waterfalls, wind, rain and the like.
  • Sound generating machines can also be used; they produce sound effects that contribute to sleep.

So, if you are having trouble getting proper sleep, music can act as your perfect solution. All you need to do is hit the play button and you can drift into beautiful, peaceful slumber.

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