Friday 5 June 2020

How to build your creative confidence | David Kelley

Most of us want to be creative, but we don't all have the confidence to pull it off.

Here's a fantastic talk from David Kelley for you to enjoy, digging further into creative confidence :-)

Monday 1 June 2020

The Art of Creativity | Taika Waititi | TEDxDoha

Hey! Last week was all about music and how it helps us sleep. I hope you found some of it useful!

This week we are taking a step back and looking at the creative arts, and how they benefit us every single day.

I really hope you enjoy this next post, a TED TALK all about The Art of Creativity :-)

Saturday 30 May 2020

Is Sleeping With Music On Good Or Bad? | Dangers & Benefits

Alright, lets get into some hard facts about the correlation between sleep and music. Is it really such a good thing? Check out this video to find out!

Fact: One in four married couples sleep in separate beds!

Friday 29 May 2020

Meditation Music - Be Calm Within

Fun fact! Sleep deprivation will kill you more quickly than food deprivation...sorry, not so fun after all...lets just agree to both eat and sleep, and we will be fine!
Meditation is not easily definable: depending upon the context, there can be many different types of meditation and thus many different definitions. Let us compare two definitions from authorities we can rely upon. The first definition is from that great tome, 'The Encyclopedia Britannica'. It defines meditation as 'private devotion or mental exercise consisting in any of innumerable techniques of concentration, contemplation, and abstraction, regarded as conducive to heightened spiritual awareness or somatic calm.'
The other definition is taken from the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia which says that meditation is a 'religious discipline in which the mind is focused on a single point of reference. It may be a means of invoking divine grace, as in the contemplation by Christian mystics of a spiritual theme, question, or problem; or it may be a means of attaining conscious union with the divine, e.g., through visualization of a deity or inward repetition of a prayer or mantra (sacred sound).' The common point between these two and all other definitions is the same; meditation is the act of consciously directing your attention to alter your state of consciousness.
Even though it is an ancient technique of relaxation, meditation is continually becoming more and more popular among people all over the world. When we speak of meditation the most common image that our mind conjures up is that of a Hindu saint sitting cross legged and chanting mantras. The description is quite accurate but from having seriously religious connotations at one time, meditation became the in thing by the efforts of one Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, an Indian who espoused the concept of 'Transcendental Meditation', which took the technique out of its religious settings and made it more popular among people of all faith. Today, 50 years since the birth of Transcendental Meditation, it still remains popular among western societies.
Music has always played a major role in the relaxation of the human mind and body. It also is a great accompaniment to meditation and yoga. The correct type of soothing music will make sure that you have a complete meditation experience and will also guide you through the steps of meditation. Inner Splendor Media, a New York based company specialises in providing meditation music, sleep music and more.
Original Source

Thursday 28 May 2020

Wind Down Yoga - 12 Minute Bedtime Yoga - Yoga With Adriene

...and we are back with Adriene!

Yoga really is a wonderful way to calm the mind and unlock the body. Even if you have never tried it, even if you think you will absolutely hate it, why not just try it for five might be surprised.

Before you take the jump and try something new, here's a fact for you...

Giraffes sleep for only 1.9 hours a day, whereas a brown bat sleeps for 19.9 hours a day!

Experiment, enjoy some me time.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Sleep Music - Sleeping With Music

Here is an article from Sleep Expert Paul Geracy, weighing up the pros and cons about sleeping with music.
Fact: Within five minutes of waking up, 50% of your dreams will be forgotten! Good job too!
Enjoy :)
Insomnia is a common sleeping disorder, and is a concern for many people worldwide. Lack of proper sleep affects the waking hours of a patient, tiredness saps out necessary energy essential for everyday routine life. There are many causes that lead to insomnia that can include medical conditions or even lifestyle choices. However, there are several treatment options that can help solve your sleeping problems.

Although people suffering from insomnia try all sleeping aids ranging from medication to electronic sleeping aids, they tend to overlook one potential solution i.e. music. Music can be a plausible solution for sleep disorders; it can help relax both the body and mind to instigate sleep easily at the end of the day. After all, music is said to be the medicine of the mind.
There are many musical artists who create soothing music solely to help people calm down and relax, resulting in sleep. Although you would not come across these songs on radio stations or on the television, you can find this special type of sleep music at a music store near you. You can go for either instrumental music or music of nature, depending on which suits you the best.

Soothing instrumental melodies are a popular choice to treat sleeping disorders. They help calm the mind and are gentle to your ears at the same time. Due to lack of words in instrumental music, you are more drawn to the music and can allow your mind to relax, surrendering to the notes. Instrumental music often make use of instruments that produce gentle sounds like pianos, violins, flutes, clarinets etc. These instruments produce soothing sounds and you need not focus on one aspect as the melodies from every instrument blends with the rest to produce a comforting musical treat for your ears. Music can help lose tension and stress, resulting in peaceful and deep sleep.
Some people prefer sounds of nature to instrumental music. Sounds of nature like rustling leaves, sounds of rain falling, animal songs etc can help release a primal instinct in humans that can lead to sleep. The reason to this is said to be the fact that before civilization, humans only had the sounds of nature to lull them to sleep, and even now, these sounds of nature can help create peace of mind leading to sleep.

So if you are suffering from lack of sleep, you can try and use sleep music to get relief from your problem. Here below are a few ideas that can help you get started:
  • Classical tapes/CD's work well for peaceful sleep, you can try Mozart's "Baroque Music" or Brahms's "Lullaby". There are many relaxing classical music compositions to choose from.
  • Tribal music tapes/CD's provide organic sounds and makes use of several non-electronic instruments.
  • Ambient Electronica tapes/CD's are also a good choice. They contain soothing melodies and offer gentle sound effects. Some examples are The Orb, Aphex Twin etc.
  • You can also purchase CD's/tapes that feature soothing nature sounds like waterfalls, wind, rain and the like.
  • Sound generating machines can also be used; they produce sound effects that contribute to sleep.

So, if you are having trouble getting proper sleep, music can act as your perfect solution. All you need to do is hit the play button and you can drift into beautiful, peaceful slumber.

Original Source

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Relaxing Sleep Music: Deep Sleeping Music, Relaxing Music, Stress Relief...

There are so many materials out there to help us sleep, particularly sound tracks, produced to calm the mind and help the body calm.

This is one example of many. Perhaps have a listen to this and see if it helps, if not, keep looking! 

A little fact before you go....12% of all people dream in black and white!

Monday 25 May 2020

Sleeping Music: How Relaxing Ambient Music Can Help You Sleep

Hey everyone! This week we are going to talk about all things sleep! Sleep is a truly fascinating thing...Why is it that in order to function we must sleep for a third of our life time? By the time we reach 60 years old, the average person would have been sleeping for a total of 20 years!

So lets explore some questions...

What can I do to get to sleep?
How can I calm my mind in preparation for sleep?
Is there a way my love for music can help me sleep?

There's also a fun sleeping fact on every day of this weeks blog...check them out!

Cats sleep for not one, but two thirds of their life!

Did you know that 50 to 70 million Americans of all ages have reported that they have sleep-related troubles? If you’re one of the millions of people who have difficulties sleeping, then you might have already tried tons of different ways to help you get better sleep.
Something you may have never thought of is sleeping music!
That’s right, ambient music can actually help relax you so that you can get much better sleep throughout the night.
Keep reading for our guide to find out how relaxing ambient music can help you sleep.

Music for Sleep Helps You Relax
The number one reason for listening to music to fall asleep is because it can help you to relax. Studies show that songs that are 60 beats per minute tend to be the most relaxing. Your heartbeat can actually slow to match the beat of the song which is why you would feel relaxed.
Don’t expect this process to happen quickly though. Make sure to pick relaxing music that is of a longer length or choose a variety of songs that blend together. It can take about five minutes for your heartbeat to slow down and for you to start feeling relaxed while listening to music.

Use Relaxing Music to Fall Asleep Faster

Did you know sleeping music can actually help you to fall asleep faster? If you’re the type of person that has a ton of different things on your mind when you’re trying to sleep, then ambient music might help to soothe you when falling asleep.
When putting on background music to help you fall asleep your mind will find itself focusing on the relaxing music and not the million other things that went on throughout your day.
Check out this relaxing ambient music that you can find on YouTube! YouTube is a great resource to find long relaxing songs that all go together so your brain can stay relaxed while you’re sleeping to music.

Releases Happy Chemicals

Another great thing that listening to music to fall asleep can do is trigger the release of good chemicals in your brain. These sleep-friendly chemicals include serotonin and oxytocin which are great in helping you relax and lead you to sleep.
The best part of listening to music for sleep is that it is much easier to fall asleep when you’re in a happy mood because of the release of these chemicals compared to any other kind of mood too!
People who lack serotonin know how difficult it can be to fall asleep which is why listening to music can make falling asleep so much easier.

Sleeping Music Helps You Get a Better Sleep

Before you go to sleep tonight make sure you turn on a relaxing ambient music playlist. You’ll find that listening to sleeping music can help you fall asleep faster, wake up less, and even help you to feel more rested when you wake up in the morning.
Plus listening to ambient music can make you feel more relaxed in general which will put you in a better and more soothing mood.

Saturday 23 May 2020

The Power of Music

I'm sure most of us know this already, but just encase we need a reminder Umi Garrett does a fantastic job explaining exactly how music is so powerful.

Friday 22 May 2020

Self Expression Through Music

It is known that any form of art helps us develop our creativity and imagination. But did you know that it helps us express ourselves better? Some people, regardless if they have a medical condition or not may find it hard to express their thoughts and feelings. This can be quite frustrating if they have a problem and don't find the best way to describe how they feel in order to get the help they need. The inability to express themselves leads to frustration, anger, become socially isolated, and even depress or anxious.
Self-expression is an important part of communication between people, so when there are issues in expressing ourselves, we can always opt for alternative therapies to help you release the emotions and thoughts we may having in an easier manner.

Music therapy proved to be very efficient when it came to managing self-expression problems. Even those people that have a hard time expressing themselves would like to be heard. They want to show the world who they are and what they are experiencing, especially when they need help and support in a particular manner. When a person is able to express himself or herself, the others will understand what the problem is and will have the possibility to answer back with understanding, support, and empathy, which is in most cases exactly what we need. Seeing that people hear and understand us is highly validating and it helps people stir away from loneliness, depression, and social isolation.
In recent years, there is an obvious problem with self-expression in the case of children and young people that had contact with technology from a very early age and for extended periods. Technology, such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers, are extremely attractive to children, but they should not be allowed to be used excessively or become one of the main activities of the children.

There are many cases in which young children sit with earbuds in and are allowed to play with mobile phones or tablets for hours because they sit quiet and allow the parents to have some time off. But, using technology before being able to talk and express yourself properly can have severe consequences. These children can grow up with serious self-expression problems, not being able to tell their parents or people around them when they have a problem and what kind of problem it is. Thus, the child becomes angry, irritated, fussy, and hard to handle.
Their parents may think that their child is just hyperactive or has too much energy, but in fact, the child is upset and frustrated because he or she cannot communicate properly. This is one example in which music therapy could help a lot.

Through music therapy, the child with self-expression issues discovering that they do have a self and a new set of abilities, also learning how to use these new abilities at home, at school, and in other activities, they may be unrolling during the day. They will finally feel like having individuality, an identity that is different from all the rest around them. All of these are possible through music therapy. But why music and not another type of art form? Music is something that everybody enjoys. It has powerful emotional qualities and one-of-a-kind characteristics that make it so effective in unlocking the expression of our selves.
Even people that don't have self-expression problem recognize the power of music in making them see and understand emotions better and find who they really are with ease. It is all about the melody, the dynamics of the sound that can be loud or soft, its harmonic qualities, and the music's tempo that help the development of both verbal and non-verbal self-expression.

In the case of a person that has to face challenges related to speech, music is a great way to allow that person to express himself or herself non-verbally. But not just the music's qualities are making it such an effective tool. Its proven neural stimulation abilities add up to its power. Various studies found out that music is processed by the human brain in several areas. A multi-site stimulation is obtained when music is used on a patient that leads to neural recruitment that is significantly increased and the possibility for new neural networking to form.
Music therapy has no musical goals involved. The patient that goes through this form of therapy is not singing or composing songs with the purpose of performing at one point. The goals are determined once the patient goes through an assessment process, which will tell the therapist how to use music to obtain the best results. But, if you want to use this form of therapy, make sure you are opting for a certified music therapist and not just a person that knows music.

How are music therapy methods used to help the development of self-expression? Improvised instrumental music is one of the methods adopted by music therapists. In this case, several instruments are made available for the patient, according to his or her abilities. The patient may play the instruments alone or accompanied by the therapist. There is no particular song performed or musical sheet followed. But instead, the instruments are used to produce sounds according to how the patient feels and thinks. The patient is free to utilize the instruments to express himself or herself instead of using words.
Patients can also compose songs, with the help of the therapists, which helps them convey their messages to others; they can share songs that have a significant importance with the therapist, and they can also sing if that is the most appropriate form of therapy. Many patients go on to take a music composition course online, even. You don't have to commit to going to one of the music production schools.

What is important to remember is that a person is not required to have musical background or knowledge in order to benefit from music therapy. This form of therapy is open to everyone that needs help in finding a better way to relieve frustration created by the inability to express themselves and by being misunderstood by the people around them.

For many patients, music therapy was a great way to discover new skills and abilities that didn't just improve self-expression, but also relieved stress, frustration, and helped them improve self-esteem.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

7 Benefits Which Our Brain Gains By Making Music For Healthy Life

Listening to Music can be a source of pleasure but also there are many other psychological benefits. It can be entertaining, can influence your feelings, behaviors, and thoughts. Music can energize our body, can relax our mind, also manage to promote emotional health.
Below are some benefits might music provides which our Brain Gains for a healthy life.
1. Enriches connections between the left and right brain

Studies show that music makers have more white matter in their corpus callosum, the bundle of neural wires connecting the brain's two hemispheres. This means greater communication between the brain's creative right side and its analytic left side, which in turn may translate into numerous cerebral benefits, including faster communication within the brain and greater creative problem-solving abilities. However, not all instrumentalists reap these cognitive advantages equally. Both age and amount of playtime matter.
Research shows that kids who practice comparatively more seem to build a greater bridge between the two sides of the brain. Plus, those who start earlier at around age 7 is ideal benefit more than later starters. Each side of our brain is responsible for making the decision regarding our intellectual as well as emotional perspective generally it is observed that a person one side of the brain is much more developed than the other one but making music ensures the proper functioning of both the sides of the brain. 

 2. Boosts decision-making capacity of our brain

The more white matter inside the brain is the reason why people with musical training are also better at making decisions, processing and retaining information, and adjusting course based on changing mental demands. As it is a well-known fact that by doing activities like yoga, meditation our brain functioning is improved so music is also something which works for our brain in a very similar manner. It is quite similar to the activity which is adapted for improving our mental strength. Some researchers even speculate that playing an instrument could prove beneficial in helping kids with overcoming psychological problems.
3. Magnifies temporary memory

Related to speech processing, those with musical training are also better at remembering spoken words (verbal memory). A study conducted in 2013 in Germany found that second-graders who spent 45 minutes a week learning a musical instrument recalled more words recited to them than kids who received no musical training. Music making also boosts working memory — the ability to temporarily store and use information that helps to reason, learn or complete a complex task (enhances the temporary memory of the brain). 
4. Promotes empathy

It is most commonly said that musical training lifts the capacity to detect emotions in sound. It means that musicians may be better at reading subtle emotional cues in conversation. In turn, this could equip them for smoother, more emotionally rich relationships. If this theory is true then it can also be concluded that musical training also helps well for kids to overcome their problems with emotional-perception. It is also a proven fact from a few studies conducted in the past that person with high emotional quotient in their brain is considered to be a good leader and are capable of maintaining a healthier relationship.
5. Doesn’t effects the functioning of the brain drastically with age

Brain gains made from playing an instrument apparently don't lose it gains with our age either. Studies show that speech-processing and memory benefits extend well with our age. Even if musical training is stopped after childhood. A 2015 Canadian research found that older people who had musical training when they were young could identify speech 20 percent faster than those with no training. In another research, people aged 60 to 83 who'd studied music for at least 10 years remembered more sensory information like auditory, visual. Then people who'd never learned an instrument.
6. Fosters math and science ability

Musical notes, chords, octaves, rhythm, and meter can all be understood mathematically. So can playing music could improve our mathematics? The research is mixed, but there seems to be certain few pieces of evidence exist which proves the relationship between music-making and better math skills.

For instance, the research identified that pre-schoolers who got keyboard lessons performed better on a test of spatial-temporal reasoning (the ability to mentally envision spatial patterns and understand how they fit together) than kids who got who didn't learn to make music. Researchers believe that elevated spatial-temporal reasoning leads to better math and science performance. So basically it is believed that music is responsible for enhancing the spatial-temporal reasoning and spatial-temporal reasoning is the one who plays a role in improving mathematics and science as well.

7. Improves motor (physical movements) skills

Playing an instrument requires very strict hand-eye-ear co-ordination (getting hands and fingers to translate musical notes on a page into sound). And for music-makers who start at an age young enough, their motor skills seem to translate into other areas of life as well. A study conducted in Canada found that adult musicians who started playing before age 7 had better timing on a non-music motor-skill task than those who started music lessons later. Well, the reason behind it is the very common and a well-known fact that most of the development of our brain is being already done till the age of ten, therefore, the things which we do learn during that period tend to be more long-lasting than those which is being learned by us afterward.
The superior motor abilities actually showed up in the brains of those musicians who learned music at a young age. Scans revealed stronger neural connections in motor regions that help with imagining and carrying out physical movements. Although the question might also arise in our brain that by doing an exercise which improves the coordination between our hand-eye and ear, how is it possible that our co-ordination between all other body parts is improved?

Well, the answer is that we are not only training our 3 body parts at that time but we also train our brain which is responsible for ensuring such co-ordination properly. So that training of the brain helps to trigger improved coordination among our body parts when the situation demands it from us.

Monday 18 May 2020

Is it a Good Idea to Listen to Music while Reading?

Do you like listening to music while reading? If yes then have you ever thought how it affects your reading process? Does it allow you to read faster or does it slow you down? How does it affect the reading comprehension?

First, it must be stated that if you want to read fast then you have to concentrate well to the text you are reading. Your thoughts have to be focused and you should not let your mind to wander away. Poor concentration leads to slow reading speed. In addition, it hurts your reading comprehension. If your mind is not with the text you may lose track while reading and you will have problems with memorizing the content of the reading material.
It means that the effect of music on speed reading and comprehension should be judged upon the effect of music on your concentration. The question is can music distract you or could it be helpful for achieving better concentration.

It has to be noted that in most cases human mind can efficiently deal with only one task at the same time. For example, if you are reading and talking to the telephone simultaneously, then it is likely that your reading speed will be slower, you may have difficulties in memorizing the text and the phone call may be not as successful as you wished. So, if you want to be efficient then you should not read and talk with the telephone at the same time.
If the music that we are listening to starts to distract us in a way that we focus on the music instead of focusing on the text then our reading performance will suffer. If the music is for background and if it does not turn our attention away from the text, then music is not a distracting factor for reading.

It depends on your personality and some people find listening to music supportive to their reading process, while for the others the effect of music can be the opposite. Many people cannot feel comfortable in a complete silence. For them, background music can create a more comfortable environment. Still, music should be there only for the background and it means that it should not be catchy. The music should not be so attractive that you start listening to it. It can be there for creating the atmosphere, but you should not listen to it attentively while reading. Therefore instrumental music is better for reading as there is no possibility for listening to the lyrics. It is good if the music is relaxing by its nature, so heavy metal would not be a wise choice. You can listen to sounds of the nature or music for meditation while reading.
You may also want to listen to music when you are in a noisy environment, such as an office, where other people are chatting, making phone calls etc. Then you can put on your earphones, and the music helps you to isolate from disturbing noises. Putting the earphones on may be also helpful in situations when you get often interrupted by your colleagues, who start chatting to you. If you have your earphones on then other people usually will not disturb you unless the have a serious issue to talk about.

To find out if the background music is good for your reading performance you can try out reading with and without music. Afterwards you can compare in which situation you can read more focused. Try to observe if the music starts turning your attention away from the text. If that is the case, then reading and music do not mix for you or at least you should try different type of music, which is less catchy.

Sunday 17 May 2020

Yoga For Musicians | Yoga With Adriene

I absolutely love this channel, yoga is such a powerful thing for us all, and this is a little extra something for the musicians out there...

Saturday 16 May 2020

Gospel Music Inspires Body & Soul

Gospel music is a genre of music that is written particularly to express sentiments and ideas of Christian life. Gospel songs have been successful in gaining mainstream popularity although it has not lost its core, despite the fact that the creation, performance and significance of this kind of music differs from one society to the other. It is played for various purposes, for religious or ceremonial purposes, for aesthetic purposes as well as for mainstream entertainment. Despite the differences, a common theme, which is the worship and praise of God, Christ or the Holy Spirit, remains in all forms of gospel songs and is one of the reasons why gospel music inspires body & soul.
Gospel music inspires body & soul and is known as on the one of the most diverse forms of music present today. Various subgenres of this kind of music include urban contemporary music, Southern gospel, traditional gospel music and contemporary music. It is also distinct in that it utilizes with more frequency the chorus or the refrain technique.
How Gospel Music Inspires Body & Soul
Many people believe that one of the many benefits of gospel songs is that they provide inspiration to the body and soul. This kind of music stimulates the brain and helps the body relax so that one can enjoy the moment and forget about the day's anxieties, even for just a moment. It can also stimulate the mind and emotions and help you unleash your creativity when you listen to certain kinds of gospel songs.
Gospel songs have two factors that make music beneficial to the psychology of humans. Like other types of music that have soothing melodies, helps the body muscles relax, and helps in sleeping. According to expert, listening to gospel songs gives you an inspiration sound bath that helps you focus on being calm and rested. This is perfect for those who live with high levels of stress every day.
However, this depends on the kind of music one is listening to. Stimulating Christian music, one with a strong tempo and a fast beat, can increase muscle tension and makes a person more awake, while music with a slow tempo tends to have a sedative effect and can make a person more sleepy. It has been shown that people who listened to music improved the length and quality of their sleep and this contributed to less dysfunction in the day. Slow and calming gospel songs help one regulate one's breathing as well, which is an added health benefit because regular deep breathing promotes circulation all over the body.
Aside from inspiring the body and soul, gospel music has also been found to have therapeutic benefits for those with psychiatric disorders, physical handicaps, and people suffering from sensory impairments, developmental disabilities and substances abuse. Gospel music inspires body & soul because it carries within its lyrics messages of inspiration that one cannot find in other contemporary music. Because this kind of music comes with references to a Higher Power who can help in overcoming obstacles and conquering fears, this makes it a powerful inspirational tool for the mind and the body. Music in itself has a powerful influence over moods.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Music Therapy for Body, Mind and Spirit

Music therapy is one of several healing art forms that is progressively gaining prominence and a place among complementary mind, body, spirit therapies offered in hospitals in the United States. Music as a healing art has been around for eons and now there are research reports that document its effectiveness and benefits.
Music has been a part of cultures and societies throughout history. It may have been in the form of drumming, chanting, toning and musical instruments of the time. Shamans, medicine woman and man, tribal sweat lodge singings, initiation ceremonies and funerals used music to promote healing and a smooth transition after life.

It is, without a doubt, a beautiful, melodic form of therapy that can reduce stress and anxiety, relieve pain, lift depression and produce feelings of happiness. Music is energy and produces a flowing of inappropriate (negative effect) energy within the body, outward from the body (positive) resulting in restoration of balance and harmony.
Sound waves are produced by music and they are processed in many areas of the brain which then influences the condition of the body. Thereby, bringing harmony to the body, mind, spirit and the emotions. Research has demonstrated the beneficial effects on a person's blood pressure, muscle tension and respiratory rate.
Categories of music include:
1. Big Band-Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman
2. Jazz-John Coltrane, Miles Davis
3. Blues-B. B. King, John L. Hooker
4. Ambient/New Age-Brian Eno, Halpern
5. Baroque-Bach, Handel
6. Classical-Beethoven, Mozart
Listening to music one hour a day can improve learning, promote clarity of values, personal intent and creativity.
Harp music (harp therapy) has been used to reduce pain, anxiety and promote relaxation.

Music has the ability, according to various studies and lived experiences, to increase dopamine levels. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, is released when there are rewards and pleasures such as music, food, sex and drugs. It is a 'feel good' substance, a motivator. Music for healing is pleasurable experience. The pleasure of music can distract a person from feelings of pain, lower blood pressure and reduce depression.
Johnetta Miner, Nurse Practitioner, is the founder of Lifestyle Wellness Enterprise, PLLC and JEMiner Consultants and Women's Wellness 4U. She assists individuals and wellness business owners to create a wellness lifestyle for their self, their family and their business.

Health and Wellness Lifestyle Management, Coach Wellness Business Owners, online start-up and to implement integrative wellness in their practices.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

The Musical Body: Chakra Meditations For Spiritual Exploration by David Ison

There are many who believe that the only way to heal the body is to align and balance the chakras. These represent the seven basic centers of energy in our body. In order to balance ourselves and keep our bodies, minds and souls, practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine believe in unblocking and realigning the chakras. One of the preferred ways to do so is through listening to The Musical Body Chakra Meditations For Spiritual Exploration.
David Ison is recognized internationally for his work with sound and meditation. He believes that using these together with self realization techniques can improve or even heal illness and stop pain. He himself has suffered severe spinal injuries as a result of a car crash. He was not able to walk and used meditation and music to heal and recover. This was the beginning of his company, TheraSound.

The Musical Body Chakra Meditations For Spiritual Exploration is a result of his therapeutic and psychological combinations. The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning disk or wheel. The chakras form part of a subtle energy which receives and disburses the life force energy of our bodies. Each of the chakras pertain to bodily functions. Ison teaches meditation and lectures around the world. His work is highly praised and is used in many medical institutions around the world. His techniques, referred to as the Ison Method, have been tested to show a significant decrease in pain, reduced depression and anxiety.

The Musical Body Chakra Meditations For Spiritual Exploration is music that enhances the meditation experience. Building this meditation into your daily routine can improve your health and inspiration. The music is wholesome and popular with every age group. Practioners like the fact that it is a holistic method for the patient. Those into meditation enjoy the spiritual awakening from the music.

David Ison has been a pioneer in using his music as a tool for well being and spiritual growth since 1985. The Musical Body Chakra Meditations For Spiritual Exploration showcases the transformative power of his remarkable method and relaxing music. It triggers relaxation and can also reduce high blood pressure or headaches. His music is award winning and in demand all over the world.

The Musical Body Chakra Meditations For Spiritual Exploration is David Ison's answer to the need for stress reduction. It is valuable and therapeutic both for personal growth and for physical healing in the health care industry. The music helps in regulating the body breathing patterns. The chord structures that he uses rise and fall like your breathing. He shows you how to release and let go of your tension and trauma. The melodies he has developed help in the release of long forgotten feelings and memories. This will then help to balance your physical and emotional body. His method is very difficult, subtle yet very effective. To execute The Musical Body Chakra Meditations, you must have a place where you can sit alone and relaxed without any disturbance for 5 to 20 minutes.

Saturday 9 May 2020

Concert Music: 7 Key Benefits of Attending Live Music Concerts

You’ve been enjoying music all your life, but there’s a good chance you’re not aware of how it’s benefiting you. There’s more to it than the pleasure of hearing your favorite songs.
Music can relieve stress in many ways. It transports us to another place so we can forget about our problems for a while.
However, if attending live concerts is what you like most about music, you’re getting a whole other set of benefits. The advantages of concert music may surprise and please you. Read on find out what they are.
Unless you’re going to see the local philharmonic orchestra, there’s a good chance you’ll burn some calories at a live concert. This isn’t a conventional way of getting exercise, but it works.
The type of concert you’re seeing will determine how much of a workout you get. Dance music offers the best calorie-burn. Rock shows will also get you moving.
Even if a concert is laid back, staying on your feet the entire time is a great way to burn calories. Think about how much your feet hurt the day after a long concert.
If you’re attending a festival, expect to get a lot more exercise. All the walking will leave you worn out but feeling good once the show’s over.

2. Discover Your Next Favorite Band

Today, there’s an inexhaustible amount of new music out there. Attending concerts is a great way to discover something you love.
Most touring musicians bring smaller bands with them to open the shows. Or, a local band you’ve never heard of may open for one of your favorite acts.
Discovering new music at a concert is a special feeling. Every time you listen to that band, you’ll think of the experience. It also makes you feel closer to the band.
When going to a concert, make sure you get there early to check out the opening act. If a friend asks you to go see a band you’ve never heard of, make this an opportunity to expose yourself to something new.

3. Boost Your Mood

If you’ve had a bad day and need something to lift you up, live music is a great remedy. There’s something about the energy and excitement of seeing a concert that makes people forget their worries.
Even seeing low-key, emotional live music is a great way to boost your mood. Good musicians can put you in another place and time. This is a healthy way to temporarily forget about your problems.
If you feel like you need some live music medicine, but don’t have any concerts planned, you still have options. Check out smaller clubs that host local bands.
Look for listings of these events along with other nightlife in your city’s local paper. Then, leave your troubles behind and make a night out of it.

4. Create Memories

If you’re a music lover, concerts are the best way to create memorable experiences. The sensory nature of live music is something your mind doesn’t quickly forget.
Arena shows are particularly memorable. The lights, stage production, and crowd energy are infectious. Some shows are even overwhelming in a good way.
Concerts also serve as great opportunities to make memories with your friends. The next time a big show is coming to town, get a group together and cut loose.
If you tend to shy away from concerts because of the price, try splurging a little next time. There’s a good chance the cost of the ticket won’t matter once you’re experiencing the show. Also, don’t be afraid to pick out cheaper shows in order to stick to your budget, as they can also often be very good.

5. Be Part of the Community

There’s something very communal about seeing live music. You get to share an uplifting experience with total strangers.
Seeing a band you like is a great way to meet new people. Knowing you share the same interest helps break the ice. You may end up forming new friendships or even finding a new special someone.
Getting out and seeing live music also means you’re supporting the local scene. For musicians and artists, this type of support is crucial.
The great thing is you don’t have to go to a huge show to get involved. Many communities put on shows in parks, neighborhoods, and other public spots. Attending smaller shows at local venues is another way to support the arts.

6. Feel Inspired

Have you felt generally uninspired in your day-to-day life? Seeing one of your favorite bands live is the perfect remedy for this.
Watching a talented group of musicians doing what they love is an inspiring thing to witness. Even if you’re not a musician, you can still appreciate the passion of a live concert. Who knows, you may end up learning your favorite instrument.
If you’re a musician, seeing a live show provides a different kind of inspiration. You may get some musical insight from watching someone perform. Or, someone else’s talent may push you to be a better musician.
The great thing about live music is that it’s yours to interpret and experience as you wish. How the music inspires you doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you’re moved.

7. Nostalgia

Is there a band coming to town that was an important part of your youth? This a great opportunity to get nostalgic and feel what you felt years ago
One of the greatest things about music is it never completely leaves your brain. You may not hear a band for 20 years, but the second you do, you get a shot of nostalgia.
These feelings are good for your emotional state. Sure, nostalgia is usually fleeting, but at that moment you’ll feel your stress melt as you get to relive a time you’ve forgotten.
Seeing an old band with a group of friends is even better. That sense of remembrance will boost your energy and make for a memorable night.

Make Seeing Concert Music Part of Your Regular Routine

If you never seem to go to live shows, you’re missing out. Watching talented musicians can do more for you than you think.
Make it a point to see concert music once a month and you’ll realize what you’ve been missing.
Concert Music: 7 Key Benefits of Attending Live Music Concerts